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Is your social media working hard for your business?

Does your to-do list have ‘sort social media out’ on it? How’s that going? There are so many accounts with old posts pinned to the top of pages, out of date headers and unseasonal adverts running, don’t let yours be one of them.

 Take some time to give your social media accounts a health check. How is your social branding looking to clients and potential customers? Check it appeals to the audience you’re trying to reach. It might look good to you but will your target customers find it appealing? Its key to check about sections, contact details and hours on a regular basis. When did you last check yours?

Once you’ve updated your business details and branding, think about your content. What questions do your potential customers and clients have? Can you answer these using videos on your social media accounts? Perhaps you could write a blog to help them on your website and direct them there from social media. Facebook has invested a great deal in video and wants businesses to take advantage of these capabilities on the site. Good videos will get you great reach and more engagement so spend some time thinking how you could use it for your business.

Consistency is key on the platforms. All use algorithms to determine what people see and they are looking for regular posts. The odd one here and there when someone remembers the social media accounts is not enough to get you seen by your target audience. You need regular posts, at the right time for your audience, so make sure someone is taking responsibility for posting on the accounts.

When did you last check your analytics? Do you know what content performs well and what falls flat? Facebook and Twitter provide a wealth of information about your account, content and audiences. Use this to plan your future strategy and content. Generate more of the posts that do well and adjust the content that hasn’t performed as well. Check the people you are reaching are your target audience, and if not, change your content to appeal to the right people.

Don’t forget to use all the capabilities of your accounts as well. Facebook has an excellent events section which enables you to reach numerous people organically. If you’re prepared to spend, the targeting potentials on social media are amazing – you can get your adverts in front of exactly the people you want to reach.

With a little bit of effort, your social media accounts can work really hard for your business. Follow @ByJoveMedia on Facebook for more hints and tips. If you’d like some expert advice on your social media accounts, please get in touch.

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