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Sell out your event using social media

Did you know there are now over 2.8 billion users on Facebook and over 1 billon users on Instagram? That’s a lot of people scrolling through social media posts on their phones as the platforms collect data on their interests and interactions. As an event organiser, you can tap into this data and use it to promote your event to a very targeted relevant audience.

Here’s what you need to think about when planning your social media:

Consider where your audience is

Start building your audience now in readiness for your event promotion. You need to consider which platforms your target audience will be using and where to focus your efforts. By posting content now in the right places you will start to build a following which you can then promote your event in the run up to it taking place. Just as it takes time and effort to plan and run an event, it takes time and effort to build a relevant audience on social media.

Which platform to pick

If you’re going to focus on one platform then choose Facebook. It’s the biggest one and almost everyone who uses other platforms are also on Facebook, however not everyone on Facebook is on the other platforms. By using Facebook you’ll also benefit from their organic promotion of events, helping spread the word to people who will be interested in your specific event. Your business page can work with other business pages involved in the event to increase the people seeing the event.

The right content for the right platform

What type of content do you have to use on social media? If you have plenty of images and will gather more you can use in the lead up the event then Instagram may be a good platform to use. If you have high quality videos and will produce these on a regular basis you need to be using YouTube. On Facebook you can use both photos and videos to good effect and live videos will help your reach even further. I’d highly recommend using lives to engage with your audience, by going live at a set time each week, your audience will know when to tune in and watch.

Your social media posts

When you post on social media, think about why you are posting a piece of content before you press publish. Is it a post that adds value to your audience, will it be of interest to them and make them stop scrolling and engage with you? Make sure you’ve included a call to action if you need to, telling people what you need them to and how to do it.

Give it time

Make sure you set your event up on social media in plenty of time. People like to plan their diaries and posting all the event details in advance gives people the chance to do this. Post your event on social media at the same time you add it to your website so there is plenty of opportunity for people to see it and make plans.

How ByJove Media can help with you

Follow @ByJoveMedia on Facebook and Instagram for more event hints and tips. If you need advice and assistance with promoting your event on social media, please get in touch as we’ve helped businesses sell out their events using social media.


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